AI as judge and musician: highlights of technology world
AI as judge and musician: highlights of technology world

AI helps to make orders at McDonald’s, records musical albums with Warner Music, and will be a judge soon. These and other events in the artificial intelligence world are described in the digest.

Estonia to design AI-based judge

Estonia is going to develop a robotic judge with artificial intelligence for solving simple disputes. The Estonian Ministry of Justice has already asked Ott Velsberg, a developer of AI technologies, for help.

According to the expert, the integration of AI into the state system will make the country’s authorities more transparent. The robot’s goal is to solve disputes on petty cases amounting to less than €7000.

One is going to launch the project in a test mode within a year, which will allow to decrease the burden for the government machine.

Artificial intelligence to work at McDonald’s

A fast food chain, McDonald’s, has acquired the Israeli AI company called Dynamic Yield for $300 million.Under the terms of the agreement, artificial intelligence will help McDonald’s customers to make orders.

AI will show customized offers and tips on rapid ordering terminal screens. It will take into account the client’s order, weather, time of day, and distance to other cafes. Based on this kind of information, the technology will offer visitors entremets.

The project was already tested at several establishments previous year. Currently, McDonald’s is going to integrate AI into its restaurants in the USA and other countries.

Japanese AI to combat bullying at schools

A Japanese city, Otsu, has joined efforts with Tokyo-based Hitachi Systems Ltd in order to develop AI to stop school bullying. They will begin to work on the project in April this year.

AI will analyze 9000 bullying cases reported by schools over the past six years. The technology will examine the grade and gender of conflict participants, as well as the time and place of situations.

The government officials state that the technology will help teachers to detect problems among students in their classrooms, predict how serious bullying is, and prevent it.

AI developers get Turing Award

Three researchers who started developing AI in 1990s received the Turing Award, known as the ‘Nobel Prize of computing’.

The award was granted to Yoshua Bengio, Geoffrey Hinton, and Yann LeCun. The scientists obtained the prize for their contribution to the foundation of AI deep learning: their methods led to the breakthrough in the evolution of computer vision and speech recognition.

Now, specialists keep developing AI: Hinton works for Google, Bengio has founded Element AI Company, while LeCun is Facebook’s chief AI scientist.

Warner Music starts cooperating with AI

Music has partnered with Endel, the Germany app generating recorded music using AI. This year, the algorithm should release 20 albums.

The app creates sound tracks based on users’ wishes. AI has already produced five albums for sleep: about bright, cloudy, and rainy night, cloudy day, and foggy morning. In future, AI will record albums for concentration, relaxations, and walks.

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